
Mount and blade warband merchant ledger
Mount and blade warband merchant ledger

Am I overlooking something? Showing 1 - 8 of 8 comments. Trading seems to be a fairly major feature, but sailing from Denmark to Ireland to turn a profit doesn’t appeal to me when I can just fight in tournaments and take on odd jobs. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. And again if there is a lot of something buy some and find a town with non or little. Look around for prices also there should be an option in the trade menu for finding what will be profitable. Or find a town with lots of something then by it cheaply it goes up in price the less are there and find a town with non or few of that item and sell it make sure it’s better than the price you paid. Talk to the Merchants in towns to find good deals. Be sure to stop at every village along the way to see what they have for sale, you can often find raw materials for very low prices. I remember buying a ton of velvet for like and then selling it for in another place. Maybe you’re just going to the wrong place. Is there anything I might be doing wrong? I used the «assess local prices» option, and I traded around 8 different things at a time. I thought it would be, but it seems that after travelling the distance to another city, I would only get a profit of about, and even in viking conquest, it barely gives any money, even when you do overseas trade. When I made enough profit I wraband back the Lords.

mount and blade warband merchant ledger mount and blade warband merchant ledger

But when I collected the taxes I didn’t bring them to the Lord strait away, I invested it buying goods and building factories usually the one that cost 10K. In one game I decide to play as a merchant, I accepted all the quests to collect taxes for lords, you can make like 6K from. However there are other ways of making money.

mount and blade warband merchant ledger

If you place a max bet on yourself each round, you can earn up to If you find a tournament that suits your combat style go for it. The tournament reward is usually not too great, but its possible to earn a few thousand denars by betting on. You can earn a lot of money tradkng finding tournaments and entering. I don’t want to raid villages however and wouldn’t like to have to lose honor for it. I need to know what the most effective way to earn money is in Mount and Blade for a brand new character is. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

Mount and blade warband merchant ledger