
How to make a deadmau5 head
How to make a deadmau5 head

how to make a deadmau5 head

Anyways, with those new measurements and angles in-hand, I cut out the mouth. They will be posted at the end of this write up. Unfortunately, for those of you seeking exacting measurements and angles, I can only offer a few basic ones to help you along (you’re going to have to do some of the work on your own!). It was definitely a good place to start, however, as it gave me a good starting point to start repositioning those elements according to my references of the newer style head.

how to make a deadmau5 head

However, that was during his “cloth head” era, and the measurements and angles have all changed since then. Some years back, Joel Zimmerman (Deadmau5) uploaded a series of images to his facebook page showing all the measurements and angles of a basic Deadmau5 head. I poured over my source material, which was mostly sourced from the Deadmau5 facebook page and my own screen captures of the Meowington Hax show in Toronto, which is offered as a feature-length film on iTunes. So the first thing I had to do was decide on all my centerlines and cut the mouth out. After having built it, I understand where I may do things entirely different on a future attempt to reduce weight or make the process faster, etc., but this blog post will go over how I made this one in particular. As such, I really had to approach this thing from the ground up.

how to make a deadmau5 head

I can’t speak for certain, of course, in case there is some Deadmau5 builder out there not posting his photos online, but this seems to be one of the first fan attempts at the Cheese Head, or any of the “hard heads” for that matter.

how to make a deadmau5 head

I wanted to try something different in terms of what others out there on the internet have done. Wayne’s made several Mau5 heads in the past, but this was my first one.

How to make a deadmau5 head