
Goku in normal clothes
Goku in normal clothes

goku in normal clothes

Giru has a change of heart though and manages to rescue the trio thanks to a clever plan by Trunks. However, both he and Pan are captured again and taken to Dr.

goku in normal clothes

Pan manages to escape and later rescues Goku who does battle with the robotic group of commandos known as the Mega Canon Sigma Force and their leader General Rilldo. There they find Giru, they search for the Dark Dragon Balls, and they find themselves caught in a trap by the planet's inhabitants, mutant robots, and that Giru was deceiving them all along. Goku, Pan, and Trunks go on a spaceship prepared by Bulma and travel the galaxy to find all 7 Black Star Dragon Balls. As a result, Goku must travel the galaxy and return them to Earth to prevent the planet from exploding from the negative energy created by the wish. This wish was made on the Black Star DragonBalls. Soon after, an accidental wish by Emperor Pilaf transforms Goku back into a child. Goku, age 51, has finished training Uub, and they have just finished testing their abilities against one another in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. History Dragon Ball Z (in progress) Dragon Ball GT

Goku in normal clothes