
Counter strike condition zero for pc
Counter strike condition zero for pc

counter strike condition zero for pc

Perfect for those new to Counter-Strike or who are unable to connect to the Internet. CSCZ also offers a simulated multiplayer mode, creating endless replayability for those who prefer a single player experience with the feel of online play. Features Single Player Gaming - Intense competition with, and against, fierce AI characters in three unique single player game types. As a squad leader in an elite counter-terrorist operative, use specialized manoeuvres and weapon skills to complete over 20 brand new missions all over the world.

counter strike condition zero for pc counter strike condition zero for pc

With Condition Zero, Valve's official follow-up, experience for the first time the universe of Counter-Strike in a single player off line campaign. Created from the award-winning Half-Life engine, Counter-Strike is the is arguably one of the best online action games in the world.

Counter strike condition zero for pc